6120 Stoneridge Mall Rd., Suite 210
Pleasanton, CA 94588 USA
800-965-2008 • 925-226-0888 • FAX 925-463-0147
This stopwatch can store up to 500 split/lap times.
However please note when there are 5 free mem-
ories left, the icon “FULL” will blink to remind you
of the nearly full situation. Whenever the storage
is full, extra split/lap times will NOT be stored into
memory even though you reset your stopwatch
and start a new event. Extra split/lap times will
only be shown on the display but not recorded.
You are about to enjoy an advanced Cumula-
tive and Lap memory professional digital quartz
stopwatch with advanced timing features. Models
AX602M500 & AX602M500DEC Stopwatches
include Time of day, Daily Alarm, Chronograph
stopwatch, 500 memory, Data register, Count-
down timer, Stroke Measurement timer, and Pacer
(from 5 to 240 beats per minute).
In order for the stopwatch to record the lap/split
times again, you must delete the data in the DATA
memory. Please refer to the “Data Mode” section
in the instruction manual for how to delete the
Model AX602M500DEC Decimal Stopwatch
includes Decimal timing (1/100 of a sec,
1/1000 of a minute, 1/100,000 of an hour).
Model AX602M500 Speed Stopwatch includes
Speed Measurement.
This is only a brief description of these buttons.
Detailed uses of the buttons are different in
particular functions and will be described later in
the instructions.
Time of Day Mode
The starting point for operating your stopwatch
is TIME OF DAY. If TIME OF DAY is not displayed,
press [Mode] until it is.
Year : - 2008
Date : - January 1
Pressing [MODE] button will toggle among the
modes above. Note that there is no auto-return
function in the stopwatch. Whenever you change
modes, the stopwatch will remain in that mode
until the [MODE] button is pressed again.
Day of week : - Monday
Time : - 12:00 am
The display format is as below :
° year
° day, month - date
° hr : min second
ACCUSPLIT products use a common setting procedure known
as S1-S2-S3-S4.
During clock display, press [START • SPLIT] to
switch between 12 hr and 24 hr display mode.
To toggle chime ON or OFF, you can press [STOP
S1 (2 sec) - Enter set function OR
S1 (4 sec) - Enter set function & clear the current settings
S2 – Select field to be set (selected field will flash)
S3 – Set field to desired settings
RESET].The bell icon will be ON or OFF corre-
NormalTime Setting
S4 – Exit setting function
Press and hold [RECALL] (S1) for 2 seconds to
enter setting mode.The normal time setting starts
with second.The second digits will be flashing.
You can change the flashing digit by pressing
[START • SPLIT] (S3) button.To speed up the
setting you can press and hold [START • SPLIT]
for longer than 2 seconds to activate fast set-
ting.To select other digits, press [STOP • RESET]
(S2) button.The setting order is: Second, Minute,
Hour,Year, Month, Date, month-date (m-d) or
Month and date
date-month (d-m), Sound ON or OFF, Contrast
(darkness of the digits - default is 9), then back to
Second, and recycles again.
Press [START • SPLIT] conse-
cutively to advance the contrast
up to 16, then cycle back to 1.
The contrast setting will be
shown on the display.
C O nT
1 6
Note: when the second is to be set, press [START
SPLIT] to reset the second digits to zero. At the
end of setting, press [RECALL] (S4) or [MODE] to
exit from the setting mode and back toTime of
Day Display.
The hour digits may be displayed in 12 hr or
24 hr format.
S O U n d
Display for Sound ON or
O n
OFF setting :
The year digits can be set from 2000 to 2099.
The date adjusts automatically for odd and even
months including February of leap years.The
day of week also adjusts automatically after you
set the date.
(Let the current status be “ON”.)
S O U n d
Press [START • SPLIT] to toggle
O n
Sound ON or OFF.
Display for contrast adjustment:
C O nT
(Let the current contrast be “5”)
To toggle the alarm ON or OFF, press [STOP • RESET].
When alarm is ON, the indicator “ ” will be ON
while it will be turned off when alarm is disabled.
When alarm time is reached, the alarm signal will
sound for 60 seconds. Press any button to stop the
alarm sound.
AlarmTime Mode
Press [MODE] until you enter Alarm mode.This
mode is used for displaying the daily alarm time
and allows you to enable or disable the alarm.
When you enter the AlarmTime mode, the display
shows the alarm time on the upper line while the
date is shown in the middle of the display and the
normal time is on the lower line.
Setting AlarmTime
Press and hold [RECALL] (S1) for 2 seconds to ac-
tivate the alarm setting.The alarm “minute” digits
will flash as an indication. Adjust the flashing digit
by pressing [START • SPLIT] (S3).To set the alarm
hour digits, press [STOP • RESET] (S2) to switch to
hour digits and then press [START • SPLIT] (S3) to
adjust. Press [RECALL] (S4) or [MODE] to exit from
Alarm setting mode.
° AlarmTime
° day, month - date
° hr : min second
The upper line shows the split time, the middle
line shows the lap time and the accumulated
elapsed time is displayed on the lower line.
Chronograph and Recall Mode
Press [MODE] until you enter the Chrono mode.
Whenever the stopwatch stops running, the
“STOP” indicator will be ON. Press the button
[START • SPLIT] to start the stopwatch. As it runs,
the current elapsed time is shown on the lower line.
° Split time
The stopwatch can measure up to 19 hours,
59 minutes, 59.99 seconds. When you enter the
Chronograph mode, the display format is as
° Lap time
° Cumulative time
To take a current split or lap time, press [START •
SPLIT].The display will look like this:
The stopwatch can store up to 500 split/lap times.
The split/lap times are stored into the memory as
you press [START • SPLIT] to take each split/lap
time. Meanwhile, the lap and split time will be
frozen for 5 seconds. After this 5-second period,
the lap and split time will return to normal.
The number of split/lap times taken are shown in
the upper left corner.The corresponding split and
lap times are displayed on the upper and middle
line. Press [START • SPLIT] again, the next split/lap
time will be shown and the number of split/lap
time is updated.
In addition, the fastest lap, the slowest lap, and the
averages of all laps will also be recorded. As you
press [STOP • RESET] to stop the chronograph, the
last lap/split time will also be stored (provided that
the last lap/split time is not the first lap/split time).
When there are 5 free memories left, the icon
“FULL” will blink to remind you of the nearly
full situation.Whenever the storage is full, extra
split/lap times will not be stored into memory but
will still be shown on the display. Any fastest and
slowest laps will not be stored.The memory coun-
ter will flash as the extra split/lap times are being
displayed.The icon “FULL” will be steadily ON.
(AX602M500DEC model only)
1. The DEC Model can operate as a normal 1/100
second chronograph as well as decimal minute,
decimal second, and decimal hour chronograph.
As you press [MODE] to enter the chronograph
mode, the normal 1/100 second chronograph
display will be shown.
The maximum memory counter value is 500.
To stop the chronograph, press [STOP • RESET].
The indicator “STOP” will come on again to show
the status. Press [STOP • RESET] as the stopwatch
stops to reset the stopwatch while the split/lap
times will be kept in memory. When the stopwatch
starts running from reset state, all the lap memo-
ries will be cleared.
Reset the chronograph to 00, then press [STOP
RESET] to cycle through the time base modes.
(1/100s). Note the change by looking at the bottom
of the display.
Time base indicator
Go to the 1/10,000 hour chronograph by pressing
[STOP • RESET] again. (1/10,000H)
Time base indicator
Change to the 1/1000 of a minute chronograph
mode by pressing [STOP • RESET] again.
Time base indicator
Please note that if the stopwatch is running, no
selection for chronograph operating modes can
be made until the stopwatch has been stopped
and reset.
Chronograph Data Recall Mode
Press [RECALL] in Chronograph mode to recall
stored split/lap time memories.The mode message
will be shown up for one to two seconds as mode
message display is enabled.
Segmented run memory for lap/split time storage.
A header consisting of the date/time stamp is
attached to each segment to indicate the moment
when you began recording the particular timing
segment.To get to this feature, press [MODE] in
chronograph mode to enter DATA mode when
the stopwatch has been stopped. Records for dif-
ferent segments can be recalled, read or deleted.
Detailed operation in “DATA” mode is described in
Data Mode section later in this manual.
The split and lap time will be displayed on the
upper and the middle line respectively.The lower
line shows the elapsed time between “start” and
this split.
During data recall, the fastest lap time will be
Press [RECALL] again to view the average lap time.
reviewed first.
Average Lap Time indicator
Fastest Lap Time indicator
Recall indicator
View the slowest lap time by pressing [RECALL]
Note: Press [RECALL] continually to review all
the stored split/lap times.The sequence starts
from the last record to the first record when the
stopwatch is running and vice versa when the
stopwatch has been stopped.
Slowest Lap Time indicator
Note: watch is
still running
so run time
continues to
After recalling the first record, press [RECALL]
once more to exit from Recall mode and go back
to chronograph mode.The “RECALL” icon will
turn OFF.
Recall indicator turns off
when watch returns to
Press [MODE] until you enter DATA mode. The
mode message “DATA” will be shown for one to
two seconds before the number of free memories
is to be shown.
regular Chronograph mode.
95 LAP
You can press [START • SPLIT] to scroll through all
segments.The current segment will come first.
During memory recall, you can press either
[START • SPLIT] or [STOP • RESET] to exit from
chrono recall mode and jump to the chrono
start/stop or lap state respectively.
Stamp for
this split
Segment indicator
shows watch is in
DATA mode
The header consisting of the date/time stamp will
be shown.The number of laps in the segment will
appear in the upper left while the segment num-
ber is displayed in the middle left. If the segment
shown is not your desired segment, press [START
As you continue to press [RECALL] during the dis-
play of the last lap, you can advance to the next
segment by pressing [START • SPLIT]. The front
page of the segment will be shown. Say the next
segment is SEG 1.
SPLIT] to reach the desired segment.The current
segment will be accessed first, then it will cycle
back to the 1st, then 2nd and so on.
When you have found the segment you want, you
can press [RECALL] button consecutively to read
the lap records from the first to the last lap.
Number of laps in
this segment
How to delete individual memory segments:
Segment number
Search the desired segment first as described
above. During the display of the segment front
page, press and hold [STOP • RESET] for 2 sec-
onds to activate Delete One function. “DELETE
ONE” will be shown in blinking and beep sound
will be generated.
How to delete all memory segments:
Instead of deleting one segment, you can also
delete all memory segments. When you enter the
Data mode, you see the screen “FREE XXX LAP”.
Press and hold the [STOP • RESET] for 3 seconds.
You will hear “Beep, beep, beep” for 3 seconds,
then a long “Beep”. At this point all data in the
memory will be deleted and “DELETE ALL“ will
show on the display.
A “ready” period of 2 seconds will be counted. At
the end of the ready period, all the lap records of
the corresponding segment will be erased, and a
long beep sound will be heard.Then the display
will show the next segment. If you don’t want
to delete the records, you can press any key to
exit from delete ready state before the end of the
ready period.The watch will go back to displaying
the segment front page.
If you don’t want to delete the records, you can
press any key to exit “DELETE ALL“ state before
the end of the ready period to return to the seg-
ment front page display.
Note:You cannot delete all segments while the
stopwatch is running. If nothing happens when
you push and hold [STOP • RESET] check to
make sure the stopwatch is stopped.
Timer Mode
Press [MODE] until you enter theTimer mode.
3 count-down operation modes are available on
this stopwatch:
Count down repeat (CR)
Count down stop (CS)
Count down, then count up (CU)
The timer is set at the factory to the count-down
repeat (CR) mode. At entering timer mode, the
mode message “TIMER” will be shown for a sec-
ond before timer count mode is displayed.
3 second “beep…beep” sound will be generated
for a timer setting within one minute; 15 second
“beep…beep” sound for 1 minute to 10 minutes
setting and 30 second “beep…beep” sound for
over 10 minutes. Pressing any key will stop the
beep sound.
Number of cycles
Timer setting
Elapsed time
Time in Countdown
Repeat mode
Time of day
The upper line shows the programmable timer
value (initially set at 0:00:00:0) while the middle
line displays the current timer counting.Time of
Day clock display is at the lower line of the dis-
play. “CR” indicates the current timer operating
mode while the timer cycle counter is located at
the upper left of the display.
Under CR operating mode, the timer value will
be reloaded and count down will start again.The
timer cycle counter will be increased by one and
updated on the display.
Under CS operating mode, the timer, after count-
ing down to 0:00’00”, will stay at 0:00’00”0 until you
press [STOP • RESET] to reload the timer value.
Before starting the timer, enter a countdown time
first.Then press [START • SPLIT] to start timer
running. When the timer counts down to zero, a
Under CU operating mode, the timer, after
counting down to 0:00’00”0, will count up and
stop at 19:59’59”9.
How to set the timer
Press [STOP • RESET] (S2)
to move to minute digits.
Press and hold [RECALL] (S1) for 2 seconds to
activate timer setting.Timer setting starts with
second digits, which are shown blinking.You can
press [START • SPLIT] (S3) to advance theaflshing
digits. Or you can press [STOP • RESET] (S2) to
select other digits.The setting follows the
sequence: second, minute, hour and timer
operating mode (CR, CS and CU).
Press [STOP • RESET] (S2)
further to go to hour digits.
Hour digits can be adjusted
from 0 to 19.
Press [STOP • RESET] (S2)
again to adjust the operating
mode. Press [START] to switch
the operating modes among
CR, CS and CU.
NOTE:You can only set Hour, Minute and Seconds.
The 1/10 second cannot be set.
Press and hold [RECALL]
for 2 seconds.Timer
setting starts with
second digits.
At the end of setting, press
[RECALL] (S4) or [MODE] to
leave setting mode.
setting and start the pace count.The display will
show the elapsed time on the upper line, the pace
count number on the middle and the pace count
value on the lower display.
Pacer Mode
Press [MODE] until you enter the Pacer mode.
In the Pacer mode, you can set the standard
pacer speed from 5 to 240 beats per minute in
the following values:
° Elapsed time
5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 180,
200, 240
° Pace count number
° PACE count
In Pacer mode, the display will be:
Press [STOP • RESET] to stop the pace count; the
display will freeze.To restart the
pace count, press [START • SPLIT]
again. Or press [STOP • RESET]
to reset the time elapsed and the
pace count number .
P - 5
° 5 beats per minute
The digits are flashing to indicate that the pace
count is ready for setting. Press [STOP • RESET] to
select the pace count. Once the desired pace count
is selected, press [START • SPLIT] to confirm the
Stroke/Stride Measurement
Press [MODE] until you enter the Stroke Measure-
ment mode.The display will be as follows.
At the end of the first second, the display will
become steady.
If measurement is stopped in the first second
(stroke frequency > 180), error signal “ Err “ will
be shown. After the first second has elapsed,
the instantaneous measurement reading will
be shown. When you press [STOP • RESET], the
display will show the steady stroke measurement
reading. If the measurement lasts for more than
18 seconds (stroke frequency < 10), an error signal
“Err” will be displayed. When the measurement
is stopped, press [STOP • RESET] to reset the
displayed reading to “0.0”.
In the Stroke or Strides Measurement mode,
the duration of 3 strokes is taken and the stroke
frequency (counts per minute) is calculated. If the
stroke frequency falls out of the range of 10 - 180,
“Err” will appear to show the error condition.
Press [START • SPLIT] to start the measurement.
During the 1st second, 180.0 will be shown and
flashing as below.
In Speed mode, you can record a number of lap
times and speeds for covering the distance you
program into the chronograph. Before starting to
use the Speed mode, you need to enter the dis-
tance as explained below. Otherwise, the speed
measurement won’t work. Nothing will happen
when you press [START • SPLIT].
Speed Mode (AX602M500 Model only)
Press [MODE] until you enter the Speed mode.
The display will be as follows.
Distance indicator (only
used in speed mode
° Distance
° Lap time
°Total time
Distance Setting
Press [RECALL] (S1) for 2 seconds to enter setting
mode.The unit icon flashes.
Distance units
(Note that the default setting is KM. Hence “KM”
icon will be ON.)
The upper line shows the distance or speed.The
lap time is in the middle line, while the total time
is displayed on the lower line.
Press [START • SPLIT] (S3) to toggle between
KM and MILE.To select the following digits,
press [STOP • RESET] (S2).The far right digit will
blink and you can set the distance from the least
significant digit to the most significant digit.The
distance can be set in the range 0.000 to 1999.999
km (or ML) using [START • SPLIT] (S3). Press
[RECALL] (S4) or [MODE] to exit from the setting
Speed Mode Running
Press [START • SPLIT] to start the Speed timer.
The “STOP” indicator is OFF. The maximum time
can be up to 19 hr. 59 min. 59.99 sec.
As an example, the distance is set at 400m.
While the timer is running, press [START • SPLIT]
to record the lap time and the corresponding
speed (in km/hr or mph) will be displayed on the
upper line.The lap counter (shown on the upper
left corner) will advance by one.
° 0.4 km = 400m
° Stop indicator
Speed in km/hr
Press [START • SPLIT] to record more lap times
and show different speeds. Note that as the speed
exceeds the value 1999.999 km/hr or 1999.999
mph, “Err” will be shown and no storage will be
made for that record.
To stop the speed measurement, press [STOP •
RESET] to stop the timer.
Before starting again, you can reset the timer by
pressing [STOP • RESET].
both the speed and elapsed time can be retrieved.
LapTime & Speed Recall
Similar to the Chrono Recall mode, during speed
measurement or Stop state, you can press
[RECALL] to recall the speed/lap memories.
The Mode message will be shown for one to
two seconds as the Mode message display is
Speed Mode
after reset.
Note: When you reset the Speed timer, the speed
measurement starts again from a reset state, and
all speed records in memory will be cleared (pro-
vided that the storage is not under segmented run
memory mode).
The Speed and Lap time will be displayed on the
upper and the middle lines.The lower line shows
the current time counting. During Data recall, the
fastest speed will be reviewed first, then the slow-
est speed and average speed.
The Recall function is similar to chronograph
recall. If segmented run memory is selected, the
DATA mode can be accessed and records storing
Further presses of [RECALL] will retrieve the
memories in ascending order or reverse order
depending on whether the speed measurement is
stopped or under operation respectively. During
Recall, the “Recall” indicator is ON.
send this form to address on the back cover of this instruction booklet
Email (preferred)
(Note: Speed mode and Chrono mode will
not run simultaneously. When Chrono mode
is active, Speed mode should be in reset
state and vice versa.)
See label on back of unit for details, or check
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