Serial Control port
RS-232C Protocol Specification Document
Ver. 1.00
September 2008
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Controlled device (this unit)
Control device
3. Command format
3.1 Command format overview
The serial protocol was designed to be able to function using common terminal programs. Therefore, all markers are
printable 8-bit ASCII characters, and the end of line marker is flexible. Unless otherwise indicated, character strings
are not case sensitive. Every message has the same structure as indicated below, but some messages do not contain all
the fields defined below.
Parameter ID: A string of 1–24 characters specifies the parameter handled, including queries. Spaces before and
after parameter character strings are ignored. Unless otherwise indicated, character strings are not case sensitive, and
do not contain equal signs, question marks or exclamation points.
Command: One character defines what the command does. This is the same for queries.
Commands include “=” (set value) and “?” (query).
Value: Strings are of 1 to 24 characters, including query values. Spaces before and after character strings are ignored.
Unless otherwise indicated, character strings do not distinguish between upper and lower case characters.
End Marker: One or two character strings. Both a carriage return followed by a line-feed (CR LF) and a line-feed
(LF) are valid. The HD-R1 always accepts either type of end marker, and it can also send them.
Below is an example of a typical message. There are no blank spaces inserted after the Parameter ID and Value
character strings, and one end marker character string is used.
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
The command format is as follows.
Parameter ID
End Marker
Character string Input Source
(or CR+LF)
ASCII codes
73 110 112 117 116 32 83 111 117 114 61
99 101
65 110 97 108 111 103 47 77 10
105 99
In this document commands sent to the HD-R1 are indicated as follows.
Input Source?
Responses from the HD-R1 are indicated in italic.
Input Source=Analog/Mic
3.2 Explanation of command types and concrete examples
Input commands
Parameter query
When the input message command field contains a “?” (question mark), the message is a parameter query command.
If a parameter is not recognized or does not support this function, the HD-R1 will return an error message. Otherwise,
it will respond with the current value of the parameter. The following is an example of a command that requests the
current value of a parameter and the response from the HD-R1.
Input Source?
Input Source=Analog/Mic
Set parameter
When the input message contains an equal sign in the command field, the message is a set parameter command.
When the HD-R1 receives a set parameter command, it will set the parameter as requested if conditions make it
possible and the value is valid. If the parameter is set successfully, the HD-R1 will not respond. If the parameter is
not recognized or the value is not valid, it will respond with an error. Usually, character strings for the parameter IDs
and their values match the text shown on the LCD user interface screen. The following is an example of a command
that sets a parameter.
Input Source=Analog/Mic
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Output commands
Parameter value response
When the command field of a message being set contains “=” (equal sign), the HD-R1is reporting the current value of
the parameter. Usually, character strings for parameter IDs and their values match the text shown on the LCD user
interface screen. For example:
Input Source?
Input Source=S/PDIF
Error responses
When the command field of a message being sent to it contains “?” (question mark), if the HD-R1 cannot interpret
the received message it reports an error. For example, the HD-R1 will respond as follows if it receives a parameter
query for an invalid parameter called “Blah.”
If the HD-R1 receives an invalid parameter set command, it will respond as follows.
Set value refusal responses
If the HD-R1 receives a parameter set command for a valid parameter, but the value is invalid, the HD-R1 will
respond with “!” (exclamation point) added to the command field.
Input Source=Blah
Input Source!Blah
If the HD-R1 receives a parameter set command for a valid parameter, but the value is missing, the HD-R1 will
respond as follows.
Input Source=
Input Source!Missing Value
Some parameters can be applied only when the transport is stopped. If you try to change one of these parameters
when the transport is not stopped, the HD-R1 responds with “*” (asterisk). For example, if you try to change the
sampling frequency while recording, the HD-R1 will respond as follows.
WAV Sample Rate=44.1 kHz
WAV Sample Rate*44.1 kHz
Special incoming commands
End markers
By sending a line feed (LF) or carriage return and line feed (CR LF), the HD-R1 can be informed of the end of a
message. The HD-R1 can accept this query or command at any time. After turning the power on, the end marker is
set to CR LF by default. The following are end marker setting commands.
End Marker=LF
End Marker=CR LF
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Protocol width
Since fixed parameter widths for messages might be preferable depending on the device, the HD-R1 can be set to
either fixed or variable parameter width using a message. When set to fixed, both the parameter ID and the value are
padded with blank spaces to make them 24 characters. The HD-R1 can accept this query or command at any time.
After turning the power on, the parameter width defaults to variable.
Protocol Width=Fixed
Protocol Width=Variable
Logging in
After turning the power on, the HD-R1 requires the Login password before responding to End Marker and Protocol
Width commands. The HD-R1’s password is case sensitive, and the default password is “hdr1.” The login password
can be changed through the front panel.
Login Succeeded
Logging Out
By sending the following command after logging in, you can log out of the session.
Logged Out
Software Version
Sending this command causes the HD-R1 to reply with the current software version number.
4. Command details
4.1 Direct transport commands
Since the potential behavior of keys (PLAY, STOP, etc.) changes depending on the current transport state, sometimes
they do not respond as intended. Direct transport commands do not depend on the current transport state, however,
and this can be advantageous in some circumstances. For example, by sending a “Record” direct transport command,
the HD-R1 should start recording immediately.
The following is an example of the usual format of a direct transport command.
Parameter ID
Cmd Value
End Marker
Character string Transport
LF (or CR+LF)
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
The following is a list of direct transport commands.
Value (character string)
Stops the transport
Starts playback
Starts recording
Puts unit in ready to play mode
Puts unit in ready to record mode
Moves to first track
First Track
Next Track
Prev Track
Last Track
Next Track/Marker
Prev Track/Marker
Moves to next track
Moves to previous track
Moves to last track
Moves to next track or next marker
Moves to previous track or previous marker
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
The following are valid commands when the transport is stopped.
Value (character string)
First Folder/Playlist
Moves to first folder or first playlist in playback
Next Folder/Playlist
Prev Folder/Playlist
Last Folder/Playlist
Moves to next folder or next playlist in playback
Moves to previous folder or previous playlist in
playback mode
Moves to last folder or last playlist in playback
The following are examples of transport state queries.
Value (character string)
Asks for the transport state
Example HD-R1 response
The following are examples of other state queries.
Value (character string)
Current Track Number?
What is the current track number?
Total Time Elapsed?
Event Elapsed?
What is the total elapsed time?
What is the elapsed time?
Event Remaining?
What is the remaining time?
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
4.2 Setting commands
Most of the HD-R1’s settings can be configured remotely. Their parameter IDs and acceptable values are defined in
the following tables. With some exceptions, all parameters may both be set and queried with a command. Although
they are not case sensitive, blank spaces within parameter IDs and setting values must be exactly as shown.
The format for setting commands is the same as for others as shown in the example below.
Parameter ID
Setting value
End Marker
Character Auto Cue (example)
=: set value
?: query
<Value>: as necessary
LF (or CR+LF)
The following can be set and queried at any time.
Parameter ID
Valid values
Num Of Folders
Total number of folders (query only)
Total number of playlists (query only)
Num Of Playlists
Auto Ready
Auto Cue
-72 dBFS
-66 dBFS
-60 dBFS
-54 dBFS
-48 dBFS
-42 dBFS
-36 dBFS
-30 dBFS
-24 dBFS
Mono Left
Mono Right
Mono Summed
WAV Sample Width
16 Bits
24 Bits
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Mono MP3 Bit Rate
32 kbps
40 kbps
64 kbps
80 kbps
96 kbps
112 kbps
128 kbps
160 kbps
64 kbps
80 kbps
128 kbps
160 kbps
192 kbps
224 kbps
256 kbps
320 kbps
Stereo MP3 Bit Rate
Mark Audio Overs
Mark Time Interval
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes
4 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
512 MB
1 GB
Auto Track
1.5 GB
1.8 GB
2 GB
5 Min
10 Min
15 Min
30 Min
1 Hour
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Sync Record
-72 dBFS
-66 dBFS
-60 dBFS
-54 dBFS
-48 dBFS
-42 dBFS
-36 dBFS
-30 dBFS
-24 dBFS
Audio File Base Name
Mark Base Name
Shuttle Mode
Base name (up to 20 alphanumeric characters, including
‘-’, ‘_’ and ‘ ’)
Base name (up to 20 alphanumeric characters, including
‘-’, ‘_’ and ‘ ’)
Track/Mark Only
Time Display
Total Elapsed
Total Remaining
Event Elapsed
Event Remaining
Keyboard Type
Overload Threshold
Overload Hold
-0.2 dBFS
0 dBFS
3 Sec
6 Sec
10 Sec
Peak Decay Rate
Fast Decay
Medium Decay
Slow Decay
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Meter Decay Rate
Parallel Mode
Fast Decay
Medium Decay
Slow Decay
Direct Play
Binary Play
Program Play
Active Low
Active High
Input Polarity
Busy1 Signal
CF Door
Media Full
Normally Open
Normally Closed
Busy1 Polarity
Busy2 Signal
CF Door
Media Full
Normally Open
Normally Closed
Hours: minutes: seconds
Busy2 Polarity
System Time
System Date
The following settings can be queried at any time but can only be changed when the transport is stopped. Attempting
to change them while the transport is not stopped will result in an error command being sent back with an “*”
Parameter ID
Folder Name
Valid values
Folder name (case sensitive)
Playlist Name
Folder Number
Playlist Number
Playlist name (case sensitive)
Folder number
Playlist number
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Playback Mode
Folder Sorting
Input Source
WAV Sample Rate
44.1 kHz
48 kHz
82.2 kHz
96 kHz
MP3 Sample Rate
File Format
44.1 kHz
48 kHz
Ref Level
-20 dBFS = +4 dBu
-18 dBFS = +4 dBu
-16 dBFS = +4 dBu
-14 dBFS = +4 dBu
-9 dBFS = +6 dBu
Ducking Mode
Attenuate Input
Attenuate Playback
-6 dBFS
Ducking Threshold
-12 dBFS
-18 dBFS
-24 dBFS
-30 dBFS
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
Ducking Attenuation
-3 dB
-6 dB
-9 dB
-12 dB
-18 dB
-24 dB
0.1 Sec
0.5 Sec
1.0 Sec
1.5 Sec
2.0 Sec
2.5 Sec
3.0 Sec
3.5 Sec
4.0 Sec
4.5 Sec
5.0 Sec
Ducking Hold Time
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
4.3 Checking playlists and folders
These commands allow you to check which playlists and folders can be used currently. The following are concrete
1. Check the total number of playlists
Use this to check how many playlists are on the currently inserted CF card.
HD-R1 response
Num Of Playlists?
Num Of Playlists=3
This shows that there are three playlists on the CF card.
2. Check the playlist name
Please note that playlists are in alphabetical order.
HD-R1 response
Playlist Name?1
Playlist Name=Jazz
This shows that the name of the first playlist is “Jazz”.
Use this command to check the name of the second playlist.
HD-R1 response
Playlist Name?2
Playlist Name=Rock
This shows that the name of the second playlist is “Rock”.
3. Name a playlist
Input a command like the following to set the name of the playlist.
Command character string
Playlist Name=Rock
This will name the playlist unless there is an error.
4. Add a playlist number
Input a command like the following to set the number of a playlist.
Command character string
Playlist Number=2
The setting will be made unless there is an error.
TEAC Corporation
TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications
5. Check the total number of folders
HD-R1 response
Num Of Folders?
Num Of Folders=3
This shows that the total number of folders on the CF card is 3.
6. Folder name query
Please note that playlists are in alphabetical order.
HD-R1 response
Folder Name?1
Folder Name=Monday
This shows that the name of the first folder is “Monday”.
Use this command to check the name of the second folder.
HD-R1 response
Folder Name?2
Folder Name= Tuesday
This shows that the name of the second folder is “Tuesday”.
7. Name a folder
Input a command like the following to set the name of the folder.
Command character string
Folder Name=Tuesday
The setting will be made unless there is an error.
8. Add a number to a folder
Input a command like the following to set the number of a folder.
Command character string
Folder Number=2
The setting will be made unless there is an error.
TEAC Corporation
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